To call this place a dump would be an insult to landfills nation wide.
We had three rooms for a weekend during Spring Training. A quick summary of each room...
Room #1: They must have run out of bedspreads, because they took a bed sheet and just wrapped it around the mattress. Also, a clogged shower drain.
Room #2: Couldn't use the air conditioner. Judging by the smell, a cat had died in the AC unit at some point.
Room #3: The smoke detector was hanging off the wall, no big deal. But then you touch it to hang it back up, it falls off, and you see that the wiring has NEVER been hooked up. The drain clogs. And then you notice that the sheets that have been laid on your bed have some red orange brown mystery stain alllll over them.
The six of us that stayed here came down with some weird throat ailment after one night here. Two weeks later, it lingers. It must be a ESTD - Extended Stay Transmitted Disease.
And the coup de grace? Being potentially overcharged and then refusing to give me an itemized receipt for our charges.