Amazing staff and extremely helpful and great customer service despite this being the busy season and they're probably working ridiculous 15 hour shifts and run right off their feet. And yet there is so helpful and friendly and wonderful. They have everything you need here, all displayed beautifully and very well organized both for interior plants and exterior. There's some kind of amazing plants here I've never even seen in my life and I've been gardening for 30 years. I'm going to take some photos the next time I'm there and that way I can describe better because some of the stuff I don't even know what to call it. For example they have these beautiful framed wall hangings, picture in your mind a wooden picture frame approximately 2' x 2', and inside instead of a picture they have beautiful extremely gorgeous healthy succulents. Of all shapes and sizes and colors. You just hang this on your wall in a sunny spot and spritz it with water once in a while and somehow it survives and thrives. I've never seen anything like it and it's only $86 I'm going to get about three or four for my house. It goes without saying I'm doing on my perennials and annuals shopping here this year as well. Thanks guys, I love your customer service.