| - After finding our first choice for after-dinner dessert, the ever fickle Full House Desserts, was doing one of their "We'll open for table service later but we're doing take-out in the meantime" things, we picked up some pancakes to go but headed to Health Herb Harmony for sit-down desserts instead.
Casual, brightly lit space with lots of tables, with their enormous menu under the glass tabletops. I'd like to say for better or for worse, but it was really probably for the worse, we ended up mostly ordering the sort of things we were hoping to get from Full House Desserts. These were typical Chinese sweet soups like sesame soup, walnut soup, filled glutinous rice balls, and mango with tapioca and pomelo soup. At least based on what we got, these didn't seem to be things Health Herb Harmony makes well, with the exception of the mango with tapioca and pomelo soup, which was bright and refreshing.
What their menu actually has plenty of are selections with herbal components (yes, in retrospect, I see the name of the restaurant is appropriate). In any case, I tried ordering the lingzhi coffee b/c the picture of the lingzhi mushroom was intriguing (and someone later pointed out the rather large specimen on display at the restaurant) but can't say it appealed. My friend concurred, although his was the mocha version, but that didn't change the consensus.
The best thing I sampled there was their boiled egg and milk custard, freshly made, hot and smooth.
In the end, I suppose with such an extensive menu, it makes sense that there are things Health Herb Harmony will make quite well, and others may just be mediocre. Unfortunately for us, much of what we sampled wasn't so good, but I suspect we simply missed the mark on what would be better, especially after seeing the reviews afterwards. I'd come back to try better reviewed items next time around.