No other company I've had to deal with has been more inept than Qwest. Because our apartment complex is forcing us to use Qwest over Cox, we have no choice. We had a problem with our internet connection (surprise surprise) and spent over half an hour trying to pull up the account. Not only can Qwest not provide its services, it can't even maintain a consistent system for keeping track of its customers.
"I'm sorry sir, are you sure that's your address? We have no account on record for that address or phone number."
Uh. Do you not send us bills in the mail every month to this address? No record of our names, of our address, our phone numbers, nothing. And yet we pay them every month. Like bitches. We finally tracked down our account number and got the problem resolved by "Fred" over the phone.
Cox isn't a shining example of quality customer service either, but compared to the barnyard bonanza that is Qwest... I can't wait til we can switch over.