If you need a prescription filled with any urgency at all, do not use this location. I have always waited significant time for them to fill prescriptions. This time I stopped to fill a script for antibiotics and steroids for an ear infection at appx 3:30 PM. Was told it would be an hour or more and they would text as soon as my script was ready. Shortly before 8pm, I called and was told it was not ready. No text alert was ever sent
This morning my ear infection was significantly worse - far more painful and at the moment at least I can no longer hear out of it. After a night of tossing and turning, I called at 6am this morning to find that my prescription is filled and waiting, but won't be available until the store opens at 8am and because they bagged it can't be transferred to another location. I have a 9:30 flight out or town.
I will NEVER entrust my health to these people again, and neither should you.