| - This is a very poorly run store. They hire mostly high school kids, or something. Its rare to go to this store and have a good experience. I often order flavored frozen coffee drinks, and I'll get the drink, take a sip, and get a huge shot of pure flavoring syrup in my mouth because they don't take the time to stir the drinks. Multiple times I have ordered donuts in which they place frosting side down in a bag with no wrapping or napkins to speak of. The girl did this today, but the donut was so old the frosting was hard, so it didn't stick for once. I don't know why I keep returning. Its just so convenient because it's right around the corner from my house, but I'm considering going to another location just to get competent service. Don't get me wrong, they're nice, and I hate to have to complain, but they don't know how to do their jobs - most noticeable when even remotely busy at all. I understand being busy, but its no excuse to provide stale donuts, and not mix the drinks. I go to a donut establishment I expect my donuts to not be from yesterday. They should not be serving stale, greasy donuts, and mixing the drinks you order. This is not a difficult task. You're a Dunkin Donuts. Act like one.