This airline has really bad customer service. I have been a longtime customer of theirs but they will no longer get a single dollar from me ever again.
I misclicked the wrong date on a ticket purchase and then when I tried to change the flight they wanted more than double the cost of the ticket to change it (this is extra fees, not including the price difference of the tickets); the flight was over 2 months away so its not like there was any real time crunch either.
I asked to be transferred to someone who can make that decision to waive the transfer fees and was put in a never ending loop talking to person after person who kept transferring me around until finally they were rude interrupting me and finally hung up on me.
Despite the fact that I have been using this airline for years they and have received 10s of thousands of dollars from me during this time they were unwilling to do anything to help me out. Needless to say I was offended at how poorly I was treated. Awe well, another airline will now get my money.
I recommend Virgin Airlines they are great, their planes are much nicer and the staff are much more accommodating and willing to help. I know that an airline such as Jet Blue does not care about my business so I do not care about them anymore either. What is 300 dollars in transfer fees on a flight that is over 2 months away compared to the 10s of thousands of dollars they have gotten from me in the past? However, the emotional sting and the bad experience is enough for me to give my money to another airline for the rest of my life. A really bad business move on their part. I am but one customer but maybe this review will sway others from using this airline.
These companies work for us. Its our money we are the bosses. Not the other way around. They need us we do not need them. When we spend money on a company we are paying for an emotional experience. What terrible customer service. What a negative emotional experience that I spent money on.