| - I just took my kids to Z Pizza today and had a HORRIBLE experience. A man who identified himself as the owner practically accosted my 4-year-old. My son was holding 2 plastic knives, not hurting anyone, just holding them in his hands, when the owner charged in, snatched the knives from my son's hands and proceeded to scold him. Not only did he yank them from my son's hands rather violently, he scared the b'jesus out of him.
This was an outrage on many levels...
1) The owner charged in madder than hell. He let his anger scare a young child
2) The owner should have spoken to me first. Never were my kids unsupervised, I was sitting right there. They were doing NOTHING wrong, just being energetic boys. Let me remind you: this is a pizza joint, not an upscale restaurant
3) Even after I told the owner to stop touching my child, he continued. UNACCEPTABLE. You do not yell at or assault a child. I would file criminal charges, but I don't want to put my kids through an ordeal. This man obviously has anger issues that need to be dealt with. My message to him: Stop picking on innocent little kids!
There is no PERHAPS, the owner absolutely should have spoken with me first. My child was shocked at the way he was spoken to and is still very upset by the event. The owner let his anger get the better of him. PERIOD. And for that he should apologize, not chastise