What a joke? Lets see today I just picked up a head of 6-7 of "lime green" bananas, extremely green mango's (3) , 3 squash, 4 rock hard plums with supermarket stickers, a head of romaine, and 6 corn + strawberries.
What garbage! 98% from California! (not quite local)
I ain't drinking the touchy feely Kool Aid here folks, this is NOT quality produce - this is an outright sham. I can get better produce at Safeway or Sprouts - for FAR less $$$.
There was not one local fruit or veggie in the bunch - nada.
My wife and I had very high hopes for Bountiful -we thought it sounded like a great concept, and a way to support our community and LOCAL farms. But giving us a basket of unripened - standard (we didn't get the pricy $25 Organic basket - but based on this trial glad we didn't!) items that can be bought at any market for LESS money with BETTER quality is less than impressive.
I'm a bit sad as there is a groundswell of interest in fresh and sustainable produce, and supporting local farms and our community.
My guess is that this operation has grown WAY too fast - and instead of hand picking and sourcing quality they are obviously cutting big corners.
This is a scam folks - pure and simple. Want to support local farmers? Me too. Take a drive to Gilbert and go to one of the many great sources of fresh local produce here in AZ - but Bountiful so far is a BOMB.