| - My surgery went fine (which makes sense since it is a simple procedure), but Dr. Perry's manner left a lot to be desired. I think a lot of these reviews focus on being happy with having better vision, but that is different that reviewing the actual service at this location. On the day of my procedure, I waited a couple hours, managed to avoid interacting with a receptionist who oddly kept referring to me as "girlfriend," and finally I entered the operating room. I sat down. Dr. Perry walked up to me, stood within an inch, and ordered me to stay quiet about the "deal" I was getting on the lasik procedure. Which, by the way, was $2800 for both eyes, total. Even one of the nurses turned her head, because that's mighty strong language and body posturing for a doctor. What would have been appropriate? Say hello, how are you, do you have any questions or concerns? But no such luck here. Dr. Perry then told me that even though I didn't look nearly 40 years old, I was going to have to start acknowledging my age and be prepared to get reading glasses in the coming years. This was a wholly inappropriate comment about my appearance. In fact, the whole exchange was unfortunate. This is a simple procedure but intense, and it was made all the more challenging because of his downright threatening manner. There are awards showcased in this office for best service, these awards are a few years old. You definitely get the impression that this chain had a heyday for customer care and now is not that time. Now they are a factory with tons of people and cash coming in; that and their reviews seem to be what is most important to them.