OK -- so this trip to Vegas was less "coke and strippers" and more "family bowling and sharing a hotel room with your mother." Honestly, I had a good time playing $5 blackjack and bowling with my family (their lanes are great and priced very well). I hated Bingo but I'm pretty sure that's the game Bingo's fault, not the casino. What was the casino's fault, though, is the smell of old people and murdered hookers that permeates every room. If you are brave enough to breath in deeply, you can also smell the smoke of burned social security checks and bottomless despair. But I recommend against deep breathing (or thinking) in Vegas.
The hotel rooms are awful and the hotel management is lousy. The casino is fine if you aren't looking for classy. The dealers are cool, as were the pit bosses. The "revolution" bar looked lame but had some pretty good drink specials advertised.
Bottom line: we stayed here because it was close to friends we were visiting and not for a social visit. Gambling here and spending time is fine, but don't stay here if you can avoid/afford it.