Doctor Mac 711 Bloor St W, Nisar has good knowledge of Mac repairs; however is extremely disorganized and dishonest. Do your research n take precautions as u will need to with anyone else as well.
2 things happened: He reformatted my Mac and did a backup which was another computer's backup not mine and I lost all my data/photos ! I also now have someone else's private pics and data (Michael, Scarborough, if u r reading this).
2ndly he charged me $400 for a refurbished logic board or just a repaired one (!) under the false pretence of putting in a brand new one.
Read more reviews:
Also, he insisted the 'rule' in the market is that they DO NOT HAVE TO TELL it's refurbished. He repeated this many times saying Apple also will not tell u. He really believes this !
I do not believe in refurbished products n would never buy one. PERIOD. So this made me furious and I could no longer trust him.
My mac had a black screen first time which is when he changed my logic board saying it was new. I went back when the SAME problem occurred again. That's when I discovered my logic board was refurbished not NEW as he had claimed.
I had him repair my Mac n told him I will not be paying him because this was the SAME problem occurring on the SAME part on a supposedly replaced logic board which is not possible, and because of the initial 'scam' selling me a refurbished part claiming it to be new, and I am out $400 for something I did not want n how does he want to proceed.
I thought he would talk about police or court which I would have been totally agreeable to and wanted. But after a 'discussion' he told me to leave calling me and my friend 'prostitutes' and 'sluts' ! Lol. Wow.
Later I discovered that he screwed up the Mac backup - luckily I have one from 6 months back, but still how disorganized and unprofessional can one get !
-KNOW there are NO NEW PARTS only refurbished - so says Nisar
-IF there are serial numbers to your parts, take them down - ask ur repair guy how would u know he replaced a part n not repaired it (huge diff in price) - is there any indicator on the part?
-Do NOT get refurbished parts unless ur part is NOT repairable and then weigh the options as to how much u will spend total on repairs ever vs buying a new one.
- sell ur mac after 3,4 years for more than half the price (that is the market value), while fully functional and buy a new one !
- try to get ur replaced part bck - it might have value n will also ensure it was replaced
- take pictures of the inside of ur computer if you can.... and outside...