I am a 100% VA rated Combat Disabled Veteran with a spinal cord injury. I moved to PHX AZ four years ago from Vermont because I could not shovel snow any more and slipping on ice would be very bad. It took the PHX AZ VA hospital over two years to assign me a primary care doctor. During that time all medications were stopped. The VT VA wouldn't mail them to me in AZ and the AZ VA would not prescribe me any medications without a primary care doctor. Nice Catch-22, which we now find out WAS DONE INTENTIONALLY!
It is now four years later and I am slowly loosing use of my limbs. The AZ VA finally assigned a doctor and now they are "doing tests". Still no treatment or diagnosis as to what is going on. It's 6 months between appointments. I believe they are intentionally neglecting to treat me in a timely manner. I do not trust them.
This VA administration needs to be charged with murder and criminal neglect for the 40 Veterans that died while receiving no care from this disgusting so called hospital.
I am actually moving back out of AZ to a state where I can get some medical care.
This VA is more interested in filling the appointment slots with wintering out-of-state geriatric vacationers than it does caring for actual wounds sustained in combat by the most recent veterans that live in state.
Believe it or not combat injuries are not assigned any sort of priority at the VA, nor are those rated 100% disabled given any accommodation. X-Ray is first come first serve as are all services at the VA which mean HOURS sitting in a waiting room, if you can.