| - YYZ! The name alone is worth several stars. But how could an airport live up to an epic song like that? In short, it can't, but it's not bad.
Travel ling in and out of Toronto recently (or "Torono" as I was told to pronounce it when a local chastised me for pronouncing the second "T". I was like "Alright there, Dudley Do-Right!"), I came and went through Terminal 3 here and had a great experience.
Going through Canadian customs was quick for me, but when de-barking my plane from JFK, I made sure to run to get to the head of the line, knocking over several old ladies, nuns and cripples in the process. Therefore, I was at the head of the line. The place was well marked for me and I found my way to the 192 Bus with no problem.
Upon return, I went to the Sky Priority lane at Delta and pretended I didn't know I wasn't supposed to be there, and they got me my boarding pass with no problem. Going through security and US Customs was quick...not even 15 minutes total.
For me, it was easier than going into and out of Montreal, so I'd have to say on my list of favorite Canadian airports, this is #1!