Mesa means table
Fresh means.....fresh
This place definitely had tables. But all the marketing in the world isn't going to make this place taste fresh.
To be honest, I don't consider myself a Mexican food expert, since my experience of the authentic stuff was clouded by drunken weeks in Merida and Cabo - but I have had some damn tasty fish tacos on the west coast, hawai'i, hell even Denver. The fish tacos I had here were just bad and really can't even warrant a comparison to those places.
The fish was greasy (but grilled), the tortillas were stale, there was the mayonaisse stuff squirted on top (odd) and finally the pico de gallo was absent thanks to the current salmonella scare with tomatoes,
but their 'made fresh daily' salsa was in full supply (not made from those same tomatoes? ? maybe they roast them - who knows)
and the 'hot' salsa was anything but.....and bland.
all said, this was a bad experience. Not terribly surprised since this 'fresh' food joint was wedged in a strip mall between a Dairy Queen and a hardware store.
if you get stuck in this particular strip mall, pop over the the pizza joint and accept that it's a better option