I did follow up with corporate who then had the franchise owner contact me. She was extremely nice and listened to my story. She does genuinely care about her stores providing good customer service and I could hear her disappointment that I was let down.
She explained that if a customer does come back to the store and is unhappy with their order, it is supposed to be re-made - no questions asked. This definitely did not happen on Sunday night when I made the order and I was given a hard time, along with my husband who tried to have my order corrected for me when I gave up.
We did talk about more personal stuff that I will not share here in order to protect the privacy of the employees but I felt the resolution was fair. Near the end of the call, she asked me about the compensation I was looking for and I told her that I just wanted to be heard and acknowledged. I think she was surprised by this but was happy that this was brought to her attention so she can follow up with the staff. She apologized for the experience and invited me to come back to this store to give it another chance. I probably will in due time.