I have known about Vosges for several years now. A friend of mine who knows the in's and out's of food even more than I do told me about it. In Colorado Vosges has no stores but the way to get Vosges here is ordering it through the mail or go to high end grocer's like Whole Foods.
Vosges is known for putting out chocolate with ingredients that most people at first glance would find it unlikely to off putting. For instance some people wrinkle their nose at hearing of the Chocolate Bacon Bar. You really should not knock it before you try it. Other unusual ingredients in their chocolate are curry, blood oranges and balsamic vinegar. Just to name a few!
Since I get Vosges catalogs then OF COURSE I knew that The Forum shops in Caesar's Palace had a Vosges store. Much of the merchandise that was being sold here was what you can get in Vosges catalog. The perk here is that you can buy individual truffles without having to buy a box of them. The store seemed to offer different truffles than what I have seen before. Like a chocolate truffle made with balsamic vinegar, a vanilla truffle as well as several others.
The chocolate was of course delicious! Paying a bit more money for these amazing chocolates is so worth it! During our stay in Vegas I stopped into Vosges everyday for my exotic chocolaty snacks. That made all the long walks in the casinos and along The Strip so worth it!