If you are invited to attend a Diamond resorts invite, TURN IT DOWN. First, they tell you they want two hours of your time and that is a lie. They will try to pressure you into buying their time shares until they see there is no hope or you flat out tell them no. Second, once they see you are not interested they become very rude, meaning no handshakes, no farewell, just rude to the point that I really wanted to go bonkers and slap each and every rep for being associated with this company.
They tell you it's not a timeshare, well folks that's all it is, a TIMESHARE. Don't take my word, give it a try and then decline and that's when then horns come out and the pitchfork is brandished!
Another thing you need to know, they require you to show your ID and credit card. They don't take down your information but want to know if you have credit and how much you make. The more you make the more pressure they apply and the more sales reps come at you. There are pieces of !