Paid a visit to this Classic Auto Body Shop the other day just for an estimate! My insurance has an agent who works through this location and even though I will not be getting my car repaired here I thought I'd share some insight on my experience. My agent was very nice! I really learned a lot from her just out of the maybe 20 minutes that I spent here. The accident that I was in wasn't extreme but caused enough damage obviously for me to have to come here! The office setting is not as professional as I would've imagined it to be. Super casual and I kind of thought that eating in front of the customer and putting on make up and stuff was over kill. Like really? Good thing I was sent here just for an estimate. It's these kind of things that you have to pay attention to before you make a huge decision like allowing people to repair the car. If this is the reflection of what goes on in the front of the house, imagine what's happening in the back.