General rule of thumb: condescension toward your customers is never a good look, but if you're going to try it anyway, your quality better be damn good. Unfortunately, at Matt's it was just ok. Want half and half in your coffee? Prepare for a lecture from the waitress (who has been alive for fewer years than I have been drinking coffee) about how they only offer whole milk, but it's organic and you will be surprised by how delicious it is if you give it a try. Want salami in your omelet instead of ham? They charge $5 extra because the salami is "really high quality." Never mind that the salami scramble on the menu costs less than an omelet with ham.
Sometimes there are really legitimate reasons why restaurants can't fulfill a customer request, but here it's just pretension. Next time I'll be having my breakfast at a place that asks me how I'd like my coffee instead of telling me how I should.