~this review regards taking in stray cats not adoption~
Very disappointed with my experience attempting to bring in a stray cat. This cat lives in the parking lot of my building and is very friendly. Due to his behavior I suspected he was a former pet that got abandoned or lost. I called and asked when I could bring him in and was told anytime due to the fact that he had a shoulder injury. When I arrived I was told I should have made an appointment despite what I had been told on the phone, they looked at his shoulder and said it wasn't serious enough to take I'm in and "he wouldn't flourish in a shelter environment" so he should be rereleased. I paid for him to be neutered and they told me it was $45 not $10 because I picked him up in lake county. I paid an additional $30 to have his shoulder wound cleaned and antibiotics applied. When I picked up him they told me he had already been neutered, indicating he was probably a former pet but I should still rerelease him (and not get any money back). When I got him into the car I noticed that the sweatshirt I used as blanket on the bottom of the carrier and the food bowl I had brought him in with were missing. I tried to go back to get my property, but when I buzzed at the door again no one answered.
When I got him back home and looked at his shoulder wound it is still wide open despite being clean. All in all it was a very frustrating experience when I just wanted to get this cat a home.