| - The vet on duty made me feel like a commodity, not a person. We were left waiting for up to three hours before the vet had even looked at him. He was not given any sort of IV fluids, which he needed. It wasn't even offered as an option. In fact, she didn't offer many options beyond a battery of super expensive tests, none of which sounded like they would actually help my poor senior dog. I would have even been ok with her telling us that he was old, and he would have to be euthanized...but we weren't given that option. I decided to take him home (after paying almost $200 for no answers and some antibiotics). He died at home a few hours later, peacefully, surrounded by my other dogs. I didn't contact them about cremation services, either. I contacted Hummel Funeral Home, and they've been fantastic.
I am not blaming them for his death. My biggest concern and red flag is that they treated myself and my family in such a poor manner. We will never return to this place. I refuse to ever be treated like a price tag again. A little compassion goes a long way, and Dr. Kollar could use a lesson in just that. Be straightforward with the family; don't try to milk their wallets in their time of panic and need.
I'd also like to state that we didn't have Dr Mike, who another reviewer raved about. We had Dr. Wendy Kollar.