I was in the store yesterday. It was so much that caught my eye, that I laid my cell phone on the shelf, and some snatched it up real fast. Once I realized my phone was missing, I went back to the area I thought I left it and it wasn't there. I also retraced my steps around the store. I asked bae to call my phone and it went straight to voicemail. Yeah, the loser that took it powered it off. I asked the representatives to hold my belongings so that I can go to a T-Mobile store to restrict use of the phone. I then went back to the Nike store and purchased my items. While I was waiting on bae to finish shopping, the manager came up to me with concern and simpathy. She offered to review the camera. However, the area which I thought I were in the camera did not reach that far. Nevertheless, I was still happy that the manager was willing to assist me.
I was angry yesterday. I had never been so careless in my life. I had never lost a phone before. I still can't believe that I lost my phone. I had the nastiest attitude last night. I know that I could only blame myself. The person that stole my phone will get punished from God. Gods punishment is far worse than what man can do to one another. Anytime that I find anything that does not belong to me, I always return it or take to customer service. I realize that not all people have good motives.
Major Thanks to the Nike Store representatives that assisted me in looking for my phone. I truly appreciate it. God Bless you all and your corporation.