I've been to Eddies a number of times over the years, and consistently forget to write about them - or even that I've been. I'm not sure if that means that they are not memorable or that they have just become so ingrained in my mind that I forget. Whatever the case, time to rectify the situation.
The good: Open for breakfast, and they serve up some interesting options, which means you may actually have to look at the menu to figure out what you want. Unfortunately this also means that they can get busy at breakfast, so you can have to wait.
The bad: The service can get a bit slow at times, though you can mitigate that a bit by going at a slightly off-time rather than a popular dining time. Unfortunately it only happens sometimes - at other times, it seems that the off hours dining is when the servers take their breaks, so it hits you too. On the plus side, it can make for a relaxing meal, and the food itself is generally tasty.