| - Words cannot aptly describe the absolute atrocity of my visit to Nu. If I was a prodigious writer like Joyce or Hemingway perhaps I could properly flesh out the horror that was inflicted upon us, but alas I am just a lowly commenter who must do her best. If you take anything for the following account let it be this, do not cross the threshold of this establishment for any reason, less you too be saddled with your own tale of woe.
My sister and I arrived on a Saturday evening around 10:20 and were seated immediately. The indoor area is halved, with the bar taking up one half, and the dining area the other. Essentially, it is just a big room with a fancy LED tree sculpture in the center and tables set up. For some reason, despite the small space, there were at least 15 servers/hostesses, 5 managers, 10 bus boys and 5-10 men in nice dress shirts that walked through the dining area every ten minutes or so and then left out the front door. I have no idea what their purpose was. Yet, with all of this staff, it took us 20 minutes from the time we sat down to get two glasses of water. Two of the "managers" spent the majority of their time making out with their girlfriends at the bar. Our server managed to completely disappear even though, due to the lack of partitions, I could see from one end of the restaurant to the other.
Our hookah came relatively quickly, but our cocktails took, without exaggeration, 25 minutes to get to our table. During this time we were treated to an endless train of employees moving tables and chairs out of the dining room and through the front door and then changing their mind and moving them back into the dining room, and then moving them again. I wish I were joking about this. Twice the DJ miss-fed the sound system and feedback filled the room causing universal aural discomfort . After we finished our drinks we waited another 10 minutes for a check. Finally we flagged down the Lothario manager who graciously pulled his tongue from his girlfriend's throat long enough to scowl at us and mumble something about finding the server. 10 more minutes pass after which a check arrived and we made the server stand there and wait while we got out our cash. At this point I was pissed, but not nuclear, because I was a little buzzed and it was a Saturday night. However, after waiting five minutes for our change the server returned to the table to advise us that because there are so few bartenders it will be another TWENTY minutes before she can get our change to us. What choice did we have but to wait? It was the single most appalling act I have ever experienced while dining. I left vowing to not only never return but to warn every single person I could.
If you have the choice between a hot poker in the eye ball or a dinner at Nu, please, I beseech you, take the hot poker.