| - Look, your family consists of hard-to-please, cranky, cheap, drunken, indecisive, peevs who would just as soon hop on a plane back to Clifton, Iowa than have dinner with you ... but your parents like em, and hell, mom and pop are paying for you to have a little din-din while the entire fam is visiting little ol' you in Phoenix, Arizona.
Luckily, Oregano's will help you with your little problem.
They've got wine, oh yeah. And at a great price.
They've got an large, open waiting area with comfy seats.
They've got a cozy setting hidden just off of a bustling avenue.
And they've got the kind of food that can please everyone. That means everyone from your crotchety grandfather who hasn't dined out since the 60s to your Mountain Dew infused punk of a cousin who likes to urinate on animals.
Here ya go.
I really REALLY like their lasagna (though not good for group dining cos it takes 45 mins, yo) and I want to marry their garlic bread. Sharing pizza is good all around, and the presentation is nice.
When you get to the Pizzookie, you know you've done your best to keep familial relations on good terms for at least another year, or until you're dining at the Des Moines Shoney's next Christmas Eve.