I came in as part of a small group with a major casino VIP host and was immediately given strict instructions to stand in a certain line when all I wanted to do was to look at the guns on the rack. I wasn't enrolling in military school as far as I knew. The place spend a lot of money on advertisments but maybe they should invest more in people skills.
Afterwards, Mike ther ange manager refused to offer the agreed upon group pricing and started to yell at us that we should be happy they even allow us to shoot. Geez last time I checked we were the paying customers. Just what I need a crazy guy with a side arm yelling at our group saying the Gun Store didn't need our business. At that point we knew it was time to leave and we high tailed it out of there before the guy went postal. We actually then went to the Las Vegas Gun Range instead and had a great time as it is less of a tourist trap and with a lot less attitude. Afterwards, the Casino Host said they are switching there business over there because of multiple incidents and its easy to see why.