Little background story... My mother-in-law lives out of town (the mid-west), and she is in her mid 60s. She tells me stories about how "when she was young" women were told to wear all this heavy, crazy make-up and she never wanted to because it didn't make her feel pretty. So for a gift, when she came to visit recently, I surprised her with a Beauty 101 Class with Leiah. She was so excited to learn how to create the looks she loves in magazines and on tv. Also all the ways to use the brushes beauty consultants convince her to buy! This was 3 weeks ago and she can't stop talking about it! Leiah was incredible, she empowered her to feel, with practice, she could accomplish all the looks. She gave her a diagram with reminders on the steps and colors/products that she recommends. I cannot express how great this was for my mother-in-law, I will bring my grandmother and mother in next time they are in town. You girls are amazing, I cannot thank you enough!