Forgot to mention that it is their policy to give you the key to the car and just send you on your way with no "walk around" inspection, a physical inspection allowing you to point out/verify any damage that is already existing on the vehicle. It is also their policy that when you return the vehicle you are instructed to just leave it in the garage with the doors unlocked and the keys left in it, once again with no "walk around" inspection. We werent comfortable with that so we went to the main counter only to find lights out, the place roped off, and no one on duty. Ghost town. Two days later we were charged $148! For what? We have no idea. We are still trying to get an answer. All we have been told by a rep is that the charge is for "damage". No specifics, no phone call from them, no email from them, and no letter from them. It took us calling them and still not getting a straight answer. The nightmare continues.