| - KENNYWOOD! Oh jeebus, just thinking of Kennywood makes me feel like the happiest person in the world. I grew up in Pittsburgh and had the most fun there. I still have a lot of family, so every time we visit and Kennywood is open, we go. It is seriously the funnest place EVER, and I've never been to anything else like it. I only hate that they made the Old Mill a hideous garfield ride... seriously, garfield?? WHY? And there are so few Old Mills left as is ): Can't stand the redone Noah's Ark either, but I guess they felt forced to update. It would just be cool if parks could keep their oldest rides as they were from the beginning for history's sake. Kennywood has still been pretty good at keeping that old fashioned spirit alive though.
Big scary rollercoasters terrify me, but I'm SO in love with the jack rabbit (that double dip rocks), the racer, and of course the thunderbolt. Mmmm. Also, the log jammer is cheesy but amazing, and I love the rapids, dirty water and all. I am also ALL about the whip, the turtle, and the bavarian swings. I always go on the Olde Kennywood Railroad, and that laughing animatronic woman is HIDEOUS... but awesome.
Oh yes, and the final ride of all, the ski lift up to your car. I find it actually more terrifying than any of the thrill rides D: shudder.
Anyway, I have so many wonderful memories of Kennywood, and I know I will always return to make more (:
Oh yes, one more thing - Potato patch fries! yum!