| - Tomaydo Tomahhdo is strange to me in that it is EXACTLY the type of place I seek out when traveling: inexpensive, lots of fresh ingredients, not a (huge) chain, vegetarian options, etc. However, since I work nearby, I fear that I have come to the point where I take it for granted and haven't been there all fall or winter.
Every single morsel of food I have ever had from TT has been outstanding. The best thing ever is the Sonoma salad with raspberry dressing. Yum!!! But everything that is baked (focaccia bread sandwiches and of course, that delicious flatbread pizza with sweet, tangy balsamic drizzled on top) is so delicious as well, not to mention insanely delicious-smelling as well.
By the way, if you are ever walking down East Ninth and you are about to pass this little plaza (next to a Subway) and you don't have time to eat, do yourself a favor and cross the street, because smelling that delicious Tomaydo Tomahhdo aroma and not immediately getting a pizza or sandwich to stuff into your face would be pure torture!