This review is solely for the event and not any of the vendors.
The organization of this event left much to be desired. Yelp Elites were invited to take part in a special voting for this event. We were informed we would receive express passes to bypass any lines so that we were able to taste and judge the samples.
Received a call a week or so ago to confirm my participation. I arrived on time only to wander around aimlessly searching for the check in booth. Finally found someone who knew what I was talking about. Checked in, only to be told to go wait at another location. Then waited there. And waited. And waited some more. There was no way for vendors to know that we were part of a this event. Many vendors were rude. Chose not to give out samples. Etc. They ran out of water, alcohol, samples...all before 1pm.
Now I know this is the first year in Glendale, but we all were given the impression that they had done this before. I have been to several events at this location and they've all gone off without a hitch. It's all about planning and this one needed more thought.