Nobody I know likes going to the dentist, most of all me but today I took that first step and went to go see Dr. Green after 25yrs of being dentist free.
After so many years of not taking care of my teeth one becomes embarrassed at the thought of opening your mouth to a stranger.
Not the whitest teeth, caps missing, cavities and bonding that's over 20yrs old.. the thought horrified me.
I'm pleased to say I found my dentist. Dr Green is absolutely fabulous!
The minute I talked to Lisa at the front desk I was put to ease, the second I had my teeth X-ray'ed by the technician my doubts were gone and the instant I met Dr Green I knew I found my dentist.
Gentle, to the point, direct, funny and an outstanding staff.
Today was a good day
Is it weird that I'm looking forward to going back and getting started on my mess of a mouth??