I will start by saying that not only are these guys scammers but are jerks too.
I went to change my summer tires to the winter tires and the first thing out of the guys mouth was that the tires were no good and yet I had bought them last year and to boot the tires still had the strings on the side. he proceeded to tell me that the tires were cracked and that I needed to get new tires and threw in that my family would not be safe and he was concerned for my safety! I am a neat person and had my tires all in a row in the SUV trunk when I got the SUV back the real seats were down the baby seat was out and the tires were just thrown one on top of each other. i am so pissed at the way I got treated and the fact that they have no respect for peoples things. I felt so sorry for the girl who came in with the SUBARU! all they saw was $$$$$$ signs. All I have to say is don't go there I will never step foot into that place again!