Horrendous experience!! I purchased a Groupon for 6 microdermabrasion treatments for $159. I booked my first session on October 6th. I arrived for my 11am appointment and waited almost 30 minutes for staff to arrive and open up the store. Upon arrival the woman was friendly enough and did a good treatment but never apologized for being late.
I scheduled my second session for October 27th at 11am. I arrived about 10 minutes early and was waiting outside on the sidewalk. This is where I remained for the next hour! I called several times however there was no answer. I left several messages. An hour later I left, leaving another voicemail and note on the door advising that I had waited for an hour and noone arrived. The next day I received a brief voice mail for a man saying "oh sorry".
I chose not to call back at that time as quite honestly I was really annoyed. My first appointment they were half hour late and my second appointment no one showed up at all! I felt the "oh sorry" voicemail was inadequate. I never received a follow up call from the spa. I would have expected them to make a greater effort to follow up with a customer that they simply never showed for to honor a scheduled appointment.
I called today (March 26) to rebook. A bit of time has passed and I thought that I would return as they are very conveniently located to my home and after all I paid $159 and only received 1 of the treatments (30 minutes late but at least they showed up that time!). I was advised that my package had expired! I explained that I had not used the package due to them not showing up for my appointment, I advised that the fact that I was quite annoyed following my October 27 appointment where I left standing on the sidewalk for an hour. I suggested that they should honor the package due to their bad service practices. The man became incredibly argumentative with me, took no responsibility for their poor service and said no. This place has incredibly unprofessional business practices. I had found them as a result of a Groupon purchase so I guess they figured that I had paid the money already so they had no investment in resolving the issue.
I would certainly NOT recommend them. If you do choose to go there do not pay in advance. Do not expect them to show up on time or well, maybe just don't expect them to show up. And if there is an issue that you bring up you can expect a defensive response and to be yelled at on the phone. Good luck in establishing your business!