| - The first time they sent someone, all she did was clean the downstairs blinds.... For 4 hours. Nothing else. Yeah, our downstairs blinds were very clean, however, we had wanted more to get done in 4 hours time then just dusty blinds getting cleaned.
The second person they sent out was a crazy redhead named Loretta, who drove a bright green 4 door compact car, and she was a freaking nightmare right off the bat. She was 30 minutes late, called my wife over and over again saying she couldn't find our house on mapquest ( even though nobody else who has looked up our address has ever had this problem) argued with BOTH of us on the phone over where our house was located, and then refused to actually clean our house after just getting there because my wife complained to the company about her being late. Her exact words were " It doesn't matter how good I clean your house, you already complained about me so I might as well just leave. " Upon her exit she refused to accept any responsibility for any wrong doing, and was extremely rude to my wife verbally.
Definitely did not have a very good experience with this company's employees. However, the company promptly refunded us our money after this last experience, which is the only positive thing I can say about this company.