| - So, my Mom called me crazy, but I've always wanted a tattoo. My extreme fear of needles was brought up over and over, and I never got one. Until January 2018. That was the perfect time to call Jess and have her give me my first.
My Grandmother passed away in late 2015. She left behind such an amazing legacy. She touched many lives and brought joy to so many people. I couldn't think of any way to pay tribute to her, until i stumbled upon some of her writing in a book she had given me almost two decades earlier. Her last words to me before she lost her lucidity were "I love you". I found it beyond fitting for this to be my first tattoo. In her handwriting.
I easily made an appointment over the phone for three days in advance. I think I spoke to Red on the phone, and she assured me that everything was going to be just fine.
I brought my best friend Emma with me for this experience. I was worried I would pass out again, like I did with my tragus piercing. Jess welcomed us both with open arms. She quickly made a stencil of my idea and I was in the chair having a panic attack before we knew it! She calmed me down and we talked about my grandma the whole time she was working. We cried. We shared stories of both of our grandmothers. It was beautiful.
About twenty minutes later, I was done. She really took her time and it was an exceptional replica of my Grandmas beautiful handwriting.
I was super woozy after, because I'm a loser and can't handle anything. Haha. I got my third popsicle in three years from Alter Ego. Jess and Emma hung out with me outside while I got fresh air, and we kept sharing stories, laughing some more.
My grandmother was really known to be a hugger. I asked Jess for a hug before I left, and we sobbed. It was truly an AMAZING experience. Jess went above and beyond for me that day. I can't wait to go back and let her do more work on me.
She gave me saniderm to cover my new ink for the first day, then clean it, and follow with it covered again with saniderm for five days. I had minimal itching, and after five days, no peeling, itching or scabbing. It was a great healing experience. She checked in with me a few times via Instagram to make sure everything was going okay, too! It was really nice to know that she cared about my tattoo.
Thank you, Jess. From the bottom of my heart.