Not sure who "THEY" are but I have always been told (and believed) "you get what you pay for". So when it comes to my hair - you bet I was paying A LOT! The sad part is, I would love my hair when I walked out of the salon, but the next day (and every day until my next visit) was hell. I could never do what they did....
Well not anymore. I have found "hair nirvana" at Aria Salon. The stylists here are amazing! I have been blonde for .... lets just say "many" years. But after some deep breathing and discussion with the stylist I went dark. And WOW! The intricacy of the hi-lights and low-lights make my hair look gorgeous day and night (will update profile photo soon!)
I have flat lifeless hair that most stylists addressed with a TON of product and I just gave up on. They not only gave me a style that looked amazing on "salon day" (that didnt need a ton of product) but I am able to replicate that style myself (actually I dont - they cut it so I can wake up and go - no muss no fuss! Perfection!!).
Needless to say these guys understand hair and are constantly going on courses and seminars to learn about new trends and keep their skills sharp.
So you are probably wondering how pricy this place is.... its not. And the atmosphere is friendly and fun. You can tell these people love working here and they truly care about their clientele.
My search for the perfect hair salon is over. I could move to another country and I would still make trips back here just for my hair.
And so I say to the "THEY" that have ruled my life "Its not the price that dictates quality, its the passion". Aria Salon has a ton of passion and if you have ever had one of "those cuts" or are just tired of your look. Give them a try.