After reading a few Yelp reviews of WINESTORE I was eager to take a look. Off to their Cornelius location we went and was very pleasantly SURPRISED: Spacious and clutter free. Very well organized and PLEASING to the eyes AND & wine palate. Winestore scored well w/ its location and inviting look.
The truest test however would be if they either stocked the brand of Moscato we'd been iso of for 3 months. If not . . . at least offer to order it. A miss with having our wine IN STOCK but a TOTAL SCORE BY OFFERING TO PLACE AN ORDER WITH THEIR SUPPLIER!!! YESSSS!!! A payment card swipe & biz card exchange and we were set! Ian called us the NEXT DAY to advise he'd secured 6 bottles. We picked up our long sought after 1/2 dozen vino 2 days later. Note: The regular price per bottle is $13 / special order $15. Reasonable IMO.