| - I would encourage anyone considering Mayo to think about how much money they are willing to spend to get better, and how much stress they are willing to endure. Even with insurance that includes Mayo as in-network, the patient ends up owing tons of money: Mayo seems to be masters at billing things in such a way that gets them denied. The billing staff is condescending when you make inquiries, even if you have extensive knowledge of how medical claims work. The different staff members contradict each other and you can't talk to the same one twice. They refuse to tell you how much a procedure will cost ahead of time unless you call every day for a week; then, in my case, they informed me that they were unable to determine if my insurance would pay for it, but they would charge me $18,000 for the three days of injections if I wanted to pay out of pocket. HA. HA. HA. No other provider that I've seen seems to have this much trouble figuring out what the costs to patient would be. I have seen six neurologists over the last four years, some in hospital settings and some in clinic settings; the only times I've had trouble with getting the visits paid for is at Mayo. It doesn't seem to be insurance dependent, either - I've been there with both United and Blue Cross and it has ended with me paying them thousands for routine care regardless of my insurance coverage. I would encourage folks to schedule appointments for routine care at the clinic in Scottsdale instead of the clinic at the hospital - they bill the two differently (even though the services are identical) and then blame the patient for not psychically knowing that ahead of time.
In my case, I got slightly better. Not better enough to have the energy to fight the thousands of dollars they decided I owed them each time, but they are the only doctors who have ever made me a little bit better. The doctors have been highly knowledgeable and caring; it's a stark contrast with the billing staff. It's a pity that the billing department makes it so clear that Mayo as an institution does not respect patients, because every doctor I've seen at Mayo has been wonderful. Five stars for the doctors; one star for the billing staff.