| - This bar is within perfect stumbling distance of my second home, which that in of itself, makes it great.
But there are also other things that make Tabasco's great.
1. Ive never had a bad time here, and thats saying a lot because i pretty much hate just about everything (Excluding things deep fried or cheese filled.)
2. The people who chill here are way fun and usually pretty tanked as well, -which not only makes for a good time but also helps me to rationalize my own absurdly obvious, long-term raging alcoholism. Thanks.
3. Its Big. From the main floor, to the upstairs, to the dancefloor downstairs, to the patio and even out onto the surrounding streets and sidewalks - this place has more than adequate capacity to let me get as wasted as I want without causing too much bodily or emotional harm to those around me. Truth be told, theres not many places built to accomodate me in the midst of a Heineken and Jager frenzy, but this bar can. Seriously impressive.
4. Strong Drinks. Although i usually never remember how i get home from this place, i always somehow manage to wake up confused, laying the wrong way in bed with my clothes and shoes on, drenched in a cold sweat the next day. ( I like consistency in life.) This means you've been to a good bar.
In summation, I really dont have anything bad to say about Tabasco's. I kind of feel uncomfortable and weird on my insides, as this doesnt really ever happen when I'm expressing my opinions on places, things or human beings - but just gonna let it ride and hope something effed up doesnt happen to me next time im there.