So I should begin this post by saying that I LOVE Bagels! I saw this place & the connected sandwich shop next door to it open recently. I recognized the name of the sandwich shop, Capriotti's, because there is one up in north Scottsdale. I've never eaten there, but have driven by it numerous times. This was my first clue that the new bagel shop was probably locally owned & operated. I always prefer to spend my money at those types of places when possible. When you pull up you notice there is very little parking in the front.There is however ample parking behind the building. If you are familiar with his area, you know parking is a bit limited everywhere. I walked in the front door and was hit by a soft sweet aroma. There were large coffee carafes filled with "Peet's Coffee & Tea" neatly lined up along the wall. The place was well lit, organized, and seemed very clean. I walked up to the counter and was greeted by a friendly man. As expected, there was a large selection of bagels to choose from at the counter. I couldn't pick just one so I decided to go with half a dozen. They had some unique bagels on their menu such as tropical & sourdough. The man kindly offered me an extra container of cream cheese & I decided to try the light veggie one. I brought the bagels home and cut into an asiago one. I notice right away that the bagels were big & thick! They looked homemade & not like the usual generic, mass produced ones you get from Buerger's or Einstein Bros. The inside was so moist. It was almost doughy, but not underdone by any means. Impressive! I lightly toasted it and put the light plain cream cheese on it. The cream cheese was delicious. It doesn't taste like it's the light version either. If the light version is this good I wonder how good the regular cream cheese is?!? Out of curiosity I try a taste of the veggie cream cheese on its own. It's also delicious! Again, you can tell this was homemade and not made in bulk somewhere & sent out. A good balance of flavors! This is my new favorite bagel shop. I cannot wait to try the rest of the bagels I bought. Next time I want to try some of their coffee & or bagel breakfast sandwichs. There will definitely be a next time. This is such a great addition to the CenPho neighborhood!