A beautiful store resulted after the recent remodel, but it looks like the improvements stopped there. Pre-made and shrink wrap still best describe a good deal of the product available here. Many items have a very short shelf life. Sorry, but I enjoy cooking at home and unfortunately will have to do the bulk of my shopping elsewhere when I find that F&E does not represent good value for my dollar.
In visiting your new so-called "food island", I used one of the coupons from the recent mailer. Employee training appears to be sorely lacking. In the amount of time it took this employee to prepare the item, I almost could have gone home and prepared it myself in less time. I would hate to think how much time would be involved if there were several people waiting in line. Besides it was not much more than a couple bites.
During several recent visits, each and EVERY time, there have been one or more scanning errors. Yes, they were corrected but it should not take more time to get through the register than to pick up the items that one is purchasing.