| - I had a gift card to use, and I'm not one to turn down free food. I don't care where it is...I'll find something to order. I had not been to an Olive Garden in years, but I expected it would be much the same as I remember. And it was. Salad, bread sticks, out-of-control children. Just like I remember.
But for some inexplicable reason, my husband and I had a crazy idea that we should order from the "lighter" menu. I had the lasagna primavera with grilled chicken, and he had the seafood brodetto (a variety of seafood in a wine and marinara broth). His was okay, although a little on the bland side. The lasagna was surprisingly good for a lighter dish. It reminded me of something I could make myself, but the point was, I didn't have to make it.
We had great service, and once the table of little tornadoes blew through, a nice and quiet dinner. Somewhere out there is another Yelper with a gift card collecting dust in a drawer. Don't be afraid. Go ahead and use it.