I'd give this place 0 stars if given the option. Why? Because their staff are a bunch of disgruntled human beings! But because of the selection of medical uniforms men, women, unisex It's worth the bump. Expect to pay a minimum of $30ish for 1 top or bottom. They're not exactly the cheapest. It was a great fit since I had bought my lover new scrubs however the price doesn't match the crappy material that doesn't seem very lasting. We shall see.
This is a professional business, they should more than likely hire newer individuals who are actually willing to help. I just feel as if the employees are annoyed that we interrupt their conversations with one another. 3 lazy workers were behind the cash register as I was walking up to pay. THREE OF THEM! Every single one carried off in their gossip girl moment and walked away?! What a joke!! Finally after I'd say 3 minutes smiling at an empty cash register, one guy came back to check me out oh this is the best part of my experience! I had kindly asked if they offered military discounts, this worker gave me a huge sigh, eye roll, and in a loud dragging irritable tone "I wish we didn't; yes we do. I need to see your ID" *mumbles to himself at this point. I'm trying to keep my composure because I am already heated with how terrible of an experience I was already having.
As he bagged everything and I made my payment, he glares at me as if I need to leave asap because it was 40 til closing. We basically have a staring contest for a minute straight. No receipt was given to me, so I grinned and asked for it. I've never witnessed anyone rip them so quick in my life. I have my hand out to take a look at it. However he then pulls back and puts it in my bag.
No wonder this place is empty and are force closing @ 6:20pm. Hire people who actually have a more fitting personality that deals with sales. Not some loser high school/college dropout who can't stop staring at their smartphone.