Will never be shopping at Barnes and Noble again, especially this one on Shea and the 101. We have had a weekly mahjong game there for the last five years and slowly but surely they have been getting rid of the larger tables needed for games. What, like we never noticed! This week was the final straw when we arrived for our weekly game and there were no larger tables in the store at all. OK, so I guess the drinks we buy ourselves at the Cafe is not good enough business for them to allow us to use their facility for three hours, but add to that the books, magazines or greeting cards we buy almost every time we leave.How about having the courtesy to come up to us and explain what the reason was they didn't want us there any more and at least allow us to make it right. We are courteous and never noisy, clean up after ourselves and above all, solid customers. Bye bye Membership card, hello Amazon!