| - A big problem I have with Goodwill is that every time I go in and they're doing their weekly sale (75% off blue tags, 50% off orange tags, etc.), I witness employees searching the racks for items with these color tags and taking them and stashing them in the back. I get that Goodwill has to make money, but com'on... you get your items FOR FREE! The least you can do is have genuine, honest selling practices.
Another issue I had with Goodwill, this store in particular, was I found a gently used old Rock Band video game without a price tag, and when I was purchasing my items, I inquired with the guy at the register. How much did they want, you ask? Fifteen bucks. $15. Fifteen buckaroonies. Fif-teen. One-five. WHAT?! I advised the gentleman that I found it on Ebay gently used for $2, and brand new at Walmart for $5 and showed him the ads. He simply shrugged his shoulders and asked if I wanted it or not. I put the game back and bought it brand new for $3 on Ebay that night. Thanks anyway, Goodwill.