| - Up to recently, I probably would have given this dealership 4 to 5 stars based on my positive buying experience. However, I am dealing with an issue now in which I am owed money by them and have been chasing after it since the beginning of December with very little communication or help from the finance department. I am extremely disappointed in the lack of communication and completely baffled that a company just completely ignores customer requests and calls.
Long version: I bought a CX-3 in April. I traded it in to another dealership in November for a CX-5 since I found the 3 to be too small. I had purchased an extended warranty and GAP insurance through my financing and was told to bring in a copy of the payoff letter and the odometer disclosure into any Earnhardt dealership and ask for finance to sign forms. I went into the Chevy dealership in Chandler, as it's closest to my home, the week of 11/30. Finance didn't come out to see me but had the receptionist pull the forms. I signed, gave my copies and left.
I got a missed call/VM from JR at the Mazda dealership on 12/8 saying that he needed the odometer statement. I called him back within an hour to ask how I can get it to him and got voicemail. I left a voicemail and never heard back. I called the next afternoon with the same result - left VM, no call back. I waited until 12/12 and tried again - got voicemail but didn't leave a message. I called back 2 hours later and asked the receptionist for the fax number and sent the odometer statement over.
I called a few days later to see if it was received in good order and left a message with no call back. I tried again almost a week later and finally got JR on the phone. He told me that the request was processed, in a tone rather like "why are you calling to ask" and said that I should wait 4 weeks for my checks.
I received checks within 3 1/2 weeks, however, it was short. I called JR the next day 3 times with no answer, no call back. I called 4 days later and left another message. He FINALLY called me back, for the very first time after all those messages. He said that it appeared to only be the warranty portion, not the GAP refund. I was informed that I had to fill out forms for a THIRD time. He emailed them to me, responded that he got it and that was on Jan 17th.
I have heard not a word since. I attempted to email for a status update 4 times and forwarded the email and my explanations to the GM, also with no response.
I am still owed roughly $400-500 and not one single person can take the time to respond to my inquiries. My next step is to take the time out of my work day to go up to the dealership and demand an answer. I would NOT recommend dealing with this dealership. I am highly disappointed and cannot imagine how a person who cares about his job, or keeping his job, completely ignores the customer. I'm sure no one wants to give someone money but it's mine and it's owed to me. At this point, if I can't get anywhere in person, I will be forced to contact the Better Business Bureau, possibly an attorney.
Buyer beware.