If I could I would give ZERO stars. I live right down the street from the school so I thought it would be nice to have my 11 month old son go there, well I was WRONG! Multiple times my wife or I would pick him up and he's in the 2 yr old class room which is so wrong. The ratio should be 6 to 1 but everytime we go there it's over 12 to 1. Our last day was yesterday because when we pick up our son he was once again in the 2 yr old toddler room and had gotten bite badly on his arm and back (wife asked about it and teacher said I didn't see it happen) and the staff felt it wasn't necessary to give us a call. On top of all that, we provide 3 pre-made bottles and when we pick him up he still has 2 full bottles; he normally goes around 9-10 to 430 so the whole time he has one thing to drink which is totally not okay because he needs his bottles plus they don't give him naps so when he gets home at 5ish he is ready for bed by 6. All the staff is unprofessional and shady.
I ask you to look else where for the sake of your kids. They have postings there saying to win 1/2 off tuition go on yelp.com and write a good review.....what a bogus scam just to hide the real truth!