Beats the pants off Menards! My sweetie & I have done various home projects for the past 16 years, each of which has involved multiple trips--usually to Menards. A couple of years ago we ventured past the horrible orange (ugh!) into Home Depot, and were really pleasantly surprised by the great plant section, the helpful staff, and the fact that THEY CUT LUMBER FOR YOU FOR FREE! Still, old habits die hard and we kept going to Menards most of the time.
But we've finally made the switch. Menards' clueless staff, disorganized merchandise, and completely perplexing yard have seen the last of us (though they do have a very cool system where you can look up & print off your old receipts). Home Depot doesn't even HAVE a yard--everything is inside the store! Nearly all of the folks you ask for help can actually help you (there was this one guy...) And did I mention that THEY CUT LUMBER FOR YOU FOR FREE!!! They rent power tools. They have awesome hot dogs. What's not to love? Home Depot, we're all yours.